The Red Out Facial does just that… it removes redness, irritation, and inflammation from your skin. What’s better than that? #sleekskinaz #scottsdaleskincare #redout

Full-service personal custom skin care management and skin care treatments for women, men, and teens.
by debbiedavis
The Red Out Facial does just that… it removes redness, irritation, and inflammation from your skin. What’s better than that? #sleekskinaz #scottsdaleskincare #redout
by debbiedavis
The Brilliance Antioxidant Serum has much higher active ingredients than most well known brands.
Kakadu Plum is included for HIGH Vitamin C content and a Vitamin C rich cocktail of three different types of C, two with larger molecular size and one smaller molecular size for increased penetration.
The serum also has two forms of Vitamin E; one large and one small for dermal and epidermal absorption and to prevent hyperpigmentation.#SleekskinAZ #ProductHighlight
by debbiedavis
Seize the day and schedule your next Sleekskin Aesthetics facial! You only live once, why not relax as much as possible in your lifetime!#SleekskinAesthetics #ScottsdaleSkincare #CarpeDiem
by debbiedavis
Olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, avocado oil, canola oil—the list of all the different types and forms of oil goes on and on and on (and on!). Admittedly, sometimes it can feel overwhelming to separate the healthy fats and oils from the unhealthy ones so that you can make the best choice for your health. With so many options in front of you, where do you even start?
Well, I have some good news: You don’t have to be a world-renowned cardiologist to know healthy oils from unhealthy ones. It’s all about identifying your favorite healthy oils, learning to use them the right way, and then sticking to those habits. And one healthy oil in particular, called flaxseed oil, is worth learning about in more depth because of its exciting health benefits. READ MORE
by debbiedavis
Please call 480-315-1364 (no texts to this number) to come in for your complimentary consultation about a customized recommendation for your at home regimen. —Deb
Sleekskin® Aesthetics
10900 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 207
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254