Full-service personal custom skin care management and skin care treatments for women, men, and teens.
by debbiedavis
by debbiedavis
A precious bundle of joy is headed your way and you couldn’t be more thrilled. You’re ready to begin this exciting new adventure and enjoy every step of motherhood that’s waiting for you. There’s only one problem. That “new mother glow” that you’ve heard about from family and friends and that you’ve seen in movies and magazines is nowhere to be found. Instead, you find yourself undergoing radical skin changes you weren’t planning on—skin changes you’d rather do without.
Here are the five most annoying skin problems women deal with during their pregnancy, and what you can do to safely remedy the problems without further irritating your skin or harming your baby.
If you experience constant stress on a day-to-day basis, your oil glands will work harder as the tiny receptors on these cells are stimulated to produce more oil. This in turn causes the pores to open, and the pH of the surface of the skin changes. The result? Breakouts. It can be challenging to overcome stress during pregnancy, especially if you’re regularly nauseated, fatigued, and dealing with other responsibilities as well such as work, other children, or family issues. It’s absolutely vital, however, to try to find a balance.
Top Tip: Set a quiet period of time each day when you can simply look after yourself and relax. Use lavender oils and chamomile tea to help you sleep at night. Drink water constantly to stay hydrated and to remove wastes and toxins from your body. And avoid yeasty and sugary foods as much as you can. As for those pesky pimples, tea tree oil can help to treat acne. Don’t touch, pick, or squeeze your pimples either. Instead, wash your face with a lactic-based cleanser twice a day and use steam to clear clogged pores. Believe it or not, simply staying hydrated and using gentler products on your skin will be more effective than using hard, harsh scrubs or products—a good vitamin B and C serum will especially help. READ MORE
by debbiedavis
by debbiedavis
When people try to break their reliance on caffeine (even experimenting with giving it up all together) it quickly becomes apparent how much its purpose is about the morning ritual rather than a simple caffeine fix. My husband grinds his own beans every morning, and the sound of the whirr of the beans and the aroma of bittersweet fresh coffee filling our house has become one of my favorite things to wake up to. He calls it his morning meditation—the boiling of the water, the grinding of the beans, filling the filter with water, and waiting for the fresh coffee to drip through.
While I don’t personally drink caffeine, my morning Dandelion Vanilla tea is my signal to my brain and body that the day is about to begin. These days, though, there are far more exciting options for a caffeine-free kick to start your morning. Insta-star Lee From America shared her adaptogen-rich concoctions on the ‘gram during her #caffeinefreeweek and the potions, for what they lacked in caffeine, were abundant in brain- and body-healing superfoods. READ MORE
by debbiedavis
Cristen has been coming to Debbie since she was 9 years old! (never too young for deep relaxation!) She trusts Sleekskin Aesthetics with any stage of skin care challenges that she has experienced! This is a comparison of immediately after her Level 3 Clean&Clear Facial and 3 days after treatment. This facial included deep pore extractions and LED light therapy. You can see the treatment working even after she left Sleekskin Aesthetics!
Please call 480-315-1364 (no texts to this number) to come in for your complimentary consultation about a customized recommendation for your at home regimen. —Deb
Sleekskin® Aesthetics
10900 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 207
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254